Airplane Intel Podcast - Aviation Podcast   /     Lacking Logbooks


This week, we dive deep into logbooks and maintenance records with returning guest and logbook expert, Larry Hinebaugh. We’ll discuss everything you need to know as an aircraft owner, operator or prospective buyer about logbooks, how to improve them and how to avoid common mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars.

An Aircraft Owner's Worst Nightmare
Publishing date
2020-11-26 13:00
  Airplane Intel Podcast | Aviation Podcast


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In today’s episode, we’ll catch up with aircraft logbook expert, Larry Hinebaugh to talk about why you should care about your aircraft’s logbooks, how to improve them, how to avoid common mistakes, and how to ensure all the appropriate information is there. Guess what, guys… As the aircraft’s owner or operator, you’re responsible for proving the airworthiness of your aircraft, and the only way to do that is with your aircraft’s logbooks.

All maintenance, inspection, and even preventative maintenance events must be recorded in the logbooks with an approval for return to service for the aircraft to be deemed airworthy again. Remember, if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen!  Not to mention, 30% of your aircraft’s value lives in the logbooks making them almost as valuable as the aircraft itself. This is true whether we are talking about a Cessna 152, a King Air, or a Gulfstream G650.

Now I realize that talking about logbooks isn’t as fun as say making a cross-country flight or even … Don’t worry, Larry and I will do our best to keep this discussion interesting, entertaining, and enjoyable as well as relevant to your experience as an owner or operator. So, without further ado, let’s dive right into it.