Sentient DevelopmentsPodcast for the week of March 19, 2012.Topics for this week's episode: Raising IQ with creatine and Double N-Back Training, the red meat scare, destroying asteroids with nukes, re-engineering humans to deal with climate change, the Fermi Paradox, and the ongoing perils to democracy.Tracks used in this episode:Soft Metals: "The Cold World Waits"The Knife: "Marble House"Zed's Dead: "Pyramid Song" (remix)Evy Jane: "Sayso"Podcast Feed | Subscribe via iTunes
Sentient Developments Podcast for the week of March 19, 2012. Topics for this week's episode: Raising IQ with creatine and Double N-Back Training, the red meat scare, destroying asteroids with nukes, re-engineering humans to deal with climate change, the Fermi Paradox, and the ongoing perils to democracy. Tracks used in this episode: Soft Metals: "The Cold World Waits"The Knife: "Marble House"Zed's Dead: "Pyramid Song" (remix)Evy Jane: "Sayso"Podcast Feed | Subscribe via iTunes