Saturday April 25th 8pm Eastern Standard Time  So babies, tonight is going to be a treat. I am going to be speaking to Kai Blackwood, he is for those not in the know a guy who audtioned for a reality show in which the "chosen" one would go through the ritual to sell his soul to the devil for his own chosen delights. You would think this would be the interesting thing, but it isn't. Now loads are gonna say what the actual fuck Dr Monika of course this is interesting. No boys and girls, it's not. First lets remember this is was done in Hollywood, where doing a soul selling ritual is not even a seven on the weird scale. In Toledo, YES. But in Hollywood, just another day baby. The story and the interesting thing for me is what happened to Kai since, the ritual was done wrongly from the start and not actually completed. Butttt, the energy generated, and the effects of it aimed at him was very real, and the results of that is what we want to know :) So order pizza or chinese, grab a tasty beverage and tune in because this bitches is gonna be a wild ride, witches honor :)