Psychic mediumship, zero calories baby!   /     Weird Wednesday, Rosie Baby has found some funky stuff. And war updates :)


So boys and girls, tonight we are travelling in the direction of a few WTF's. Catholic alien hunts, this is a new one to me, but then I don't often hunt weird as it finds me ust fine on it's own. A peek at some of the worlds most powerful "secret" societies. Are they just coffee clubs for weirdos or do they actually exist and have power, more importantly are they exerting power over us? And what the hello kitty is up with the big ufo sighting in NYC this week?!?!? And lots more, so if you have weird stuff kindly share with the rest of us, are you an illuminati afficinado? If so I want you baby, real bad. Time travel? Talk to me, I am always looking to hear new stuff. And most importantly the war is escalating, and I had an OMG moment courtesy of this war this morning. Be here or be nowhere babies xxxxxx

So boys and girls, tonight we are travelling in the direction of a few WTF's. Catholic alien hunts, this is a new one to me, but then I don't often hunt weird a
Publishing date
2015-04-30 00:00
  The Psychic Surgeon


So boys and girls, tonight we are travelling in the direction of a few WTF's. Catholic alien hunts, this is a new one to me, but then I don't often hunt weird as it finds me ust fine on it's own. A peek at some of the worlds most powerful "secret" societies. Are they just coffee clubs for weirdos or do they actually exist and have power, more importantly are they exerting power over us? And what the hello kitty is up with the big ufo sighting in NYC this week?!?!? And lots more, so if you have weird stuff kindly share with the rest of us, are you an illuminati afficinado? If so I want you baby, real bad. Time travel? Talk to me, I am always looking to hear new stuff. And most importantly the war is escalating, and I had an OMG moment courtesy of this war this morning. Be here or be nowhere babies xxxxxx