VET Talk Radio   /     VETtalk-OnHold-Dec2019-SmokeHazard Warning


*** FREE TO USE FOR ANY VET PRACTICES AFFECTED BY SMOKE HAZARD! *** We know many vets in the Greater Sydney region are experiencing a surge in smoke related presentations, so if you have an On-Hold service and can update it yourself, please feel free to use this audio at no cost to you. If you use the script on your website or facebook page, we'd appreciate a link such as 'Provided by: ' SMOKE HAZARDS - December2019 Have you been affected by this horrible smoke from the bush-fires choking the city? What about your pets! We’re seeing greatly increased numbers of dogs and cats with serious breathing problems – particularly brachycephalic flat-faced breeds such as Pugs, ShiTzus, Chihuahuas and cats such as Persians, Himalayans, Scottish Fold and Exotic Short-hair.? Our advice is to keep pets indoors as much as possible and minimize outdoor time and walks at least for the time-being. Of course if you have any concerns about your pet’s health during this air pollution crisis – give us a call ASAP – warning signs can include excessive panting, salivating and pets who seem agitated or whining. Speedy intervention not only saves lives it will help prevent long-term respiratory issues.

*** FREE TO USE FOR ANY VET PRACTICES AFFECTED BY SMOKE HAZARD! *** We know many vets in the Greater Sydney region are experiencing a surge in smoke related presentations, so if you have an On-Hold service and can update it yourself, please feel free...
Publishing date
2019-12-10 01:57
  Kaye Browne & Brian Pickering