Despite warnings in the mass media and a global increase in the awareness of the climate emergency, as well as widespread images of melting ice, rising waters and deforestation, we are still firmly stuck in the status quo when it comes to the environment. All of which begs a question: what can be done to bring about change and to successfully communicate the gravity of the imminent disaster? And what if music, through its narrative power and ability to inspire, could provide the answer? Music is capable of creating new narratives (look no further than Eden Kupermintz, who argues that heavy metal helps us to think about the Anthropocene) and, above all else, artists can use their influence and power to dictate trends to set an example. This discussion will address this capacity to shape discourses and raise awareness about climate issues. With: Simo Cell — Artist / FR Camille Hervé — Music Declares Emergency France / FR Eden Kupermintz — Heavy Blog is Heavy / IL Moderation: Clémence Meunier — Journalist / FR European Lab, 10 years: the battle of the narratives from 8 till 10 June 2021 — Lyon, France #eurolab2021