Core Phenomena Research is a paranormal and supernatural research team located in the Lehigh Valley, Slate Belt, and Pocono region of eastern Pennsylvania, and the team has been researching the Eastern PA region for the past 21 years in one form or another. Why "Core"? Well, Core is actually an acronym standing for "Coalition Offering Research Ethics," which is what the team strives for: no sensationalism, no data manipulation, no "trickery." What you see is what you get with this team. All of the team’s research efforts are done without charge, no tricks, no gimmicks. Core Phenomena Research assists the owners of private residences and businesses. Research and data collection is accomplished with the most modern scientific and spiritual methods. Through research, the team is trying to prove that we are more than just our "bodies," and that consciousness transcends death. This afternoon, we are joined by John Hotchkiss II, the team coordinator, Liza Hotchkiss, the team videographer, Josh, the team’s audio specialist, Margi, the team’s new age specialist, and Kathy, the newest member of the Core team.