Hotel Infinity   /     Michael Brill, author of "Numerology for Healing" joins hosts Carolyn Ferris and Bill Moore o


Michael Brill, numerologist has written four books, including his recent: Numerology for Healing. He has also appeared on FOX and public television and over 450 radio programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cayman Islands. Michael has developed and practiced a theory that melds the sciences of numerology and quantum physics, with the concepts of reincarnation and gematria. He calls it Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers. A brief description of today's topic: Our behavior patterns, influenced by abandonment issues, are the catalysts for our health issues. Using an original numeric system that identifies the challenges and soulutions associated with the 81 basic patterns of the human personality matrix, one can develop the courage to do what they love, instead of to be loved or to maintain control. Yes, Michael will be doing readings! The call-in number is: 646-929-0251.

Michael Brill, numerologist has written four books, including his recent: Numerology for Healing. He has also appeared on FOX and public television and over 450
Publishing date
2009-06-03 21:00
  Hotel Infinity


Michael Brill, numerologist has written four books, including his recent: Numerology for Healing. He has also appeared on FOX and public television and over 450 radio programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cayman Islands. Michael has developed and practiced a theory that melds the sciences of numerology and quantum physics, with the concepts of reincarnation and gematria. He calls it Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers. A brief description of today's topic: Our behavior patterns, influenced by abandonment issues, are the catalysts for our health issues. Using an original numeric system that identifies the challenges and soulutions associated with the 81 basic patterns of the human personality matrix, one can develop the courage to do what they love, instead of to be loved or to maintain control. Yes, Michael will be doing readings! The call-in number is: 646-929-0251.