Julian Wucherpfennig, Professor of International Affairs and Security at the Hertie School, and an expert on ethnic civil war and terrorism, joins Dr. Katharina Emschermann, Deputy Director at the Centre for International Security, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to talk about terrorism. They discuss: • what terrorists want, • what went wrong in the so-called war on terror, • the effects of domestic counter-terrorism measures, and • the policy implications of terrorism research.
Julian Wucherpfennig, Professor of International Affairs and Security at the Hertie School, and an expert on ethnic civil war and terrorism, joins Dr. Katharina Emschermann, Deputy Director at the Centre for International Security, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to talk about terrorism. They discuss: • what terrorists want, • what went wrong in the so-called war on terror, • the effects of domestic counter-terrorism measures, and • the policy implications of terrorism research.
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Polo, Sara M.T./ Wucherpfennig, Julian (2021): Trojan Horse, Copycat, or Scapegoat? Unpacking the Refugees-Terrorism Nexus, in: The Journal of Politics, 83(1), https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-hsog/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/3824/file/Refugees_v9.3_journal.pdf
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