DIVINATION: CLEARING AWAY CONFUSION We discuss methods for getting the information you need to make your work effective, including using The Nothing to obtain the clearest view. This is not fortune telling or prognosticating. This is diagnosing the situation with clarity. We also discuss how to avoid the trap of needy clients who can sap the Practitioner's energy. The Sorceress will do an on-air reading to demonstrate the methods. Please visit our website at darkmattersradiocagliastro.com for more information on us and our work, and to listen to archived episodes of the show as well as replays of the "Sorcery ih the Moment" segments, rituals performed by the Sorceress for the benefit of the listeners. To contact us, you can write us at the following email addresses: The Sorceress: sorceresscagliastro@gmail.com Chris Rogue Ostrowski: chrisrogueostrowski@gmail.com Victor "The Voice" Furhman: reikivictor@gmail.com Morgan St. Knight: morganstknight@hotmail.com