We focus on ways to free yourself from the chains of religious dogma, guilt, and second-guessing. This is the path to freedom, the path YOU choose, and the path YOU determine. Remove yourselves from the hands of others, be they gods or men, and chart your own destiny. Be warned: this is not a show for the timid. If you are ready to seize your own destiny, then this show will bring you strength and awareness. The Sorceress will perform a ritual to help you break the chains of dogmas, guilt and falsely-justified suffering that you may have experienced based on the thoughts of others. You can visit our website at darkmattersradiocagliastro.com to learn more about us and to listen to archived episodes. The Sorceress: sorceresscagliastro@gmail.com Chris Rogue Ostrowski: chrisrogueostrowski@gmail.com Victor "The Voice" Furhman: reikivictor@gmail.com Morgan St. Knight: morganstknight@hotmail.com