JUSTICE: Restoring balance. In our last two shows we have spoken about editing out that which no longer serves or enhances your life, and protecting yourself from distractions and detractors. This week, in the first portion of a two-part show, we explore ways to counteract those who would try to block you or force you onto a path you do not desire. The detractors, the malefactors, the controllers—all are fair game. In the second part of the show, scheduled for next week, we conitnue the discussion. And The Sorceress will perform a ritual to enable you take control of any situation and eliminate the influence of those who would try to dominate you. Please visit our website at darkmattersradiocagliastro.com for more information on us and our work, and to listen to archived episodes of the show as well as replays of the "Sorcery ih the Moment" segments, rituals performed by the Sorceress for the benefit of the listeners. To contact us, you can write us at the following email addresses: The Sorceress: sorceresscagliastro@gmail.com Chris Rogue Ostrowski: chrisrogueostrowski@gmail.com Victor "The Voice" Furhman: reikivictor@gmail.com Morgan St. Knight: morganstknight@hotmail.com