Join us this week as we speak to special guest Sharon Hill- Sharon Hill, P.G., EdM, is a geologist with a specialty in science and society and public outreach for science. She is the creator and editor of the unique critical thinking blog that casts an informed and skeptical eye on questionable topics that appear in the media such as the paranormal, alternative medicine claims, pseudoscience, and anomalies. She researches and writes about the paranormal, monsters and natural phenomena for various blogs and publications including Skeptical Inquirer and Fortean Times. As a Scientific and Technical Consultant for Center for Inquiry, she authors a monthly column on the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry site called “Sounds Sciencey” that calls out fake and pretend science and sham inquiry. As owner of Lithospherica, LLC, she advocates for evidence-focused skepticism, providing consults, training, and presentations for paranormal investigation groups, writers, journalists and businesses.