Night Owls   /     Minerva Monster


WAS it a Bigfoot that was seen by quite a few people in a small town in Ohio in '78, right down the road from where Miss X grew up?  Sightings of a hairy, large creature sitting on a chicken enclosure may tell us more about the eating habits of the unknown creature referred to as Sasquatch. During these sightings, others saw Sasquatch peering into the window of a house, unflinching, after walking across the road at night.  Talk about scary. Night Owls Radio has encouraged those who say they saw a Sasquatch in '78 during the time of the Minerva sightings to call in tonight with their stories.

Monster from Minerva '78 reported Bigfoot Sightings
Publishing date
2021-10-15 22:30
  The Wacky World of


WAS it a Bigfoot that was seen by quite a few people in a small town in Ohio in '78, right down the road from where Miss X grew up?  Sightings of a hairy, large creature sitting on a chicken enclosure may tell us more about the eating habits of the unknown creature referred to as Sasquatch. During these sightings, others saw Sasquatch peering into the window of a house, unflinching, after walking across the road at night.  Talk about scary. Night Owls Radio has encouraged those who say they saw a Sasquatch in '78 during the time of the Minerva sightings to call in tonight with their stories.