Pivotal Conversations   /     How to Get Started Securing Your Internal Software Supply Chain


Hear Alex Barbato and John Kjell of the VMware Tanzu team discuss why it's important, but still challenging, to secure your software supply chain. Importantly, they focus on the process of building secure software rather than buying it, and explain how new offerings such as Tanzu Application Platform can help automate some of the tedium for developers, operators, and security teams. Learn more: VMware Tanzu (https://tanzu.vmware.com/) VMware Tanzu Labs (https://tanzu.vmware.com/labs) Tanzu Application Platform (https://tanzu.vmware.com/application-platform) Improve Your Cybersecurity with a Secure Software Development Supply Chain (https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/improve-your-cybersecurity-secure-software-development-supply-chain) Implementing DevSecOps in a Federal Agency with VMware Tanzu (https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/implementing-devsecops-federal-agency-vmware-tanzu) Modern Least Privilege and DevSecOps (https://octo.vmware.com/modern-least-privilege-and-devsecops/) What Is DevSecOps? (https://tanzu.vmware.com/devsecops) Secure Supply Chain, with Henri van den Bulk (https://www.tanzutalk.com/222) Follow everyone: VMware Tanzu (https://twitter.com/VMwareTanzu) VMware Tanzu Labs (https://twitter.com/VMwareTanzuLabs) Alex Barbato (https://twitter.com/alexbarbato) John Kjell (https://twitter.com/J0hnKjell) Danielle Burrow (https://twitter.com/dburrow11) Derrick Harris (https://twitter.com/derrickharris)


Hear Alex Barbato and John Kjell of the VMware Tanzu team discuss why it's important, but still challenging, to secure your software supply chain. Importantly, they focus on the process of building secure software rather than buying it, and explain how new offerings such as Tanzu Application Platform can help automate some of the tedium for developers, operators, and security teams.

Learn more:

VMware Tanzu
VMware Tanzu Labs
Tanzu Application Platform
Improve Your Cybersecurity with a Secure Software Development Supply Chain
Implementing DevSecOps in a Federal Agency with VMware Tanzu
Modern Least Privilege and DevSecOps
What Is DevSecOps?
Secure Supply Chain, with Henri van den Bulk

Follow everyone:

VMware Tanzu
VMware Tanzu Labs
Alex Barbato
John Kjell
Danielle Burrow
Derrick Harris

In this episode of the Cloud & Culture podcast, VMware Tanzu experts Alex Barbato and John Kjell explain some key concepts around secure software supply chains.
Publishing date
2021-10-19 06:00
  VMware Tanzu


Hear Alex Barbato and John Kjell of the VMware Tanzu team discuss why it's important, but still challenging, to secure your software supply chain. Importantly, they focus on the process of building secure software rather than buying it, and explain how new offerings such as Tanzu Application Platform can help automate some of the tedium for developers, operators, and security teams.

Learn more:

VMware Tanzu
VMware Tanzu Labs
Tanzu Application Platform
Improve Your Cybersecurity with a Secure Software Development Supply Chain
Implementing DevSecOps in a Federal Agency with VMware Tanzu
Modern Least Privilege and DevSecOps
What Is DevSecOps?
Secure Supply Chain, with Henri van den Bulk

Follow everyone:

VMware Tanzu
VMware Tanzu Labs
Alex Barbato
John Kjell
Danielle Burrow
Derrick Harris