Gigabit Nation   /     Definitely Time To Think Different about Broadband & Telehealth Marketing


Today’s Gigabit Nation questions broadband marketing tactics, leading up to the question, “What does it mean to use telehealth as a marketing tool?” It’s starting to dawn on people hold that broadband and telehealth are quite symbiotic technologies. Telehealth will drive broadband adoption while broadband networks offer telehealth a great marketing vehicle. Of course, communities have to look at marketing different before you can start changing the way they market. Today’s digital warrior is: Kim McKinley is the Chief Marketing Officer. Day-to-day, Kim actively leads UTOPIA’s marketing, sales, order fulfillment, and customer service teams. In addition to being one of the industry’s most recognizable leaders, she serves as co-Chair of the Public Officials Committee of the Fiber Broadband Association in Washington, D.C.

Marketing works
Publishing date
2021-11-08 20:00


Today’s Gigabit Nation questions broadband marketing tactics, leading up to the question, “What does it mean to use telehealth as a marketing tool?” It’s starting to dawn on people hold that broadband and telehealth are quite symbiotic technologies. Telehealth will drive broadband adoption while broadband networks offer telehealth a great marketing vehicle. Of course, communities have to look at marketing different before you can start changing the way they market. Today’s digital warrior is: Kim McKinley is the Chief Marketing Officer. Day-to-day, Kim actively leads UTOPIA’s marketing, sales, order fulfillment, and customer service teams. In addition to being one of the industry’s most recognizable leaders, she serves as co-Chair of the Public Officials Committee of the Fiber Broadband Association in Washington, D.C.