Ag Media Conversations's blog   /     AMC 0048 - Tricia Braid provides concrete Ag examples of change via social media


Tricia Braid(@agchick), Director of Communications for theIllinois Corn Growers Association and theIllinois Corn Marketing Board, provides concrete examples of how social media tools can effect a change in how people perceive agriculture. Social media time management tip: "It has to bethe thing you are interested in; find the topic that gets you hooked and the time wouldn't matter. Stick with what does and forget the rest." This conversation is from the 2010 AgChat FoundationAgvocacy 2.0 Training, August 30-31, Chicago, IL, USA.Click Play button below to listen to audio on line.To download an MP3 version to your desktop, right click on link below and save to your local computer.Tricia Braidthoughts on social media as tools for change.Add Ag Media Conversations to your iTunes play list or favorite RSS reader.


Tricia Braid ( @agchick), Director of Communications for the Illinois Corn Growers Association and the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, provides concrete examples of how social media tools can effect a change in how people perceive agriculture. Social media time management tip: "It has to be the thing you are interested in; find the topic that gets you hooked and the time wouldn't matter. Stick with what does and forget the rest." This conversation is from the 2010 AgChat Foundation Agvocacy 2.0 Training, August 30-31, Chicago, IL, USA. Click Play button below to listen to audio on line. To download an MP3 version to your desktop, right click on link below and save to your local computer. Tricia Braid thoughts on social media as tools for change. Add Ag Media Conversations to your iTunes play list or favorite RSS reader.

Tricia Braid ( @agchick), Director of Communications for the Illinois Corn Growers Association and the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, provides concrete examples of how social media tools can effect a change in how people perceive agriculture. Social media
Publishing date
2010-09-14 09:56
  The Truffle Media Gang