Sekani Clan Mother/Chief Barbara George (Amowi Glezay) of Aiken Lake is a mother with 3 children, 6 grand-children& 1 great-grandson. Barbara opens her home for families& youth in trouble& helps them get back on their feet. When young, she worked in a logging camp as a cook. Once nominated to be Tribal chief, she declined because she wasn't ready. Her ailing mother before she died told Barbara to do something about Aiken Lake. Barbara relates, “There is a lot of corruption in the community with the chiefs& council pocketing the money” and some people suffering the effects of residential schools are suicidal& involved in drugs& alcohol. Barbara wants to  bring change. Her mother who used to ride on Kemess Mountain asked, “How in the world did those people just end up taking the mountain?” She said, “Everyone knew about the yellow dust” [gold]& “didn’t talk about it because it was bad luck” to take it. The mining companies, Kemess& AuRico Gold, want to go through the territory. On April 24th, Barbara talked with AuRico Gold’s president. Barbara said, “They sneaked behind our backs" without letting the aboriginal people know. She told AuRico Gold’s president he was going through her unceded territory. The Sekani Clan Mother who lives the Potlatch Way is fulfilling her mother's vision. Her husband, Chief John David French (Gw’unaneek), explains the land “was handed down through the mother;& the girls they own those lands.” After her mother passed, Barbara received the hereditary titles her mother held. Before the INAC there were 6 Nations in 1& the Aiken Lake Nation “is going to pull them all back together.” Aiken Lake Nation will “open everyone’s eyes” by going Sovereign.