Mot du jour Podcast– French Etc   /     à la belle étoile– French expression


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. After many years of good and faithful service, FE is moving to a wonderful place, FH, where you can keep on learning everyday French everyday with Anne .
à la belle étoile - French expression

à la belle étoile — under the stars — Mot du Jour
à la belle étoile – at the beautiful star. And just like in English, une étoile is a star in the sky and in the movies. In everyday French, à la belle étoile means ‘outside’, ‘out in the open’, ‘under the stars’. This expression is often used with the verb COUCHER, to sleep.

* « Les enfants sont tout contents, car ils vont coucher dans le champ, à la belle étoile. »

* “The children are very happy, for they are going to sleep in the field, under the stars.”

French verbs – Tenses and Modes

présent : nous couchons à la belle étoile
passé composé : nous avons couché à la belle étoile
imparfait : nous couchions à la belle étoile
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Cannes Festival Fun Facts – Today’s French
un navet – French expression
un long fleuve tranquille – French expression
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Publishing date
2017-05-23 12:36
  Mot du jour Podcast– French Etc


. After many years of good and faithful service, FE is moving to a wonderful place, FH, where you can keep on learning everyday French everyday with Anne .

à la belle étoile - French expression

à la belle étoile — under the stars — Mot du Jour

à la belle étoile – at the beautiful star. And just like in English, une étoile is a star in the sky and in the movies. In everyday French, à la belle étoile means ‘outside’, ‘out in the open’, ‘under the stars’. This expression is often used with the verb COUCHER, to sleep.

  • « Les enfants sont tout contents, car ils vont coucher dans le champ, à la belle étoile. »
    • “The children are very happy, for they are going to sleep in the field, under the stars.”
French verbs – Tenses and Modes

présent : nous couchons à la belle étoile

passé composé : nous avons couché à la belle étoile

imparfait : nous couchions à la belle étoile

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Cannes Festival Fun Facts – Today’s French

un navet – French expression

un long fleuve tranquille – French expression

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Today’s French . Mot du Jour Le Blogue . Monthly Membership . Courses . Tutorials . IPF . Forum .

The post à la belle étoile – French expression appeared first on French Etc.