Week 4 of This Week in Airbnb (and Beyond) with Vacation Futures and OurBnBSD! Every week we discuss the top Airbnb, vacation rental, and homestay news with experts from the industry. As always, check out Beyond Pricing (www.beyondpricing.com) to optimize your Airbnb and vacation rental pricing. Subscribe to our iTunes feed! itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/this-…ond/id1021373875 This week we covered the latest news including: * Good new for Airbnb legalization in Quebec and Mill Valley, bad news in Sacramento and Barcelona * Hotels speaking up about the threat of Airbnb supply (now 1.2% of accommodation market) * How will hotels start participating in the sharing economy? Check out our guests, too: Vacation Futures (www.vacationfutures.com) - a vacation rental marketplace allowing property managers and real estate investors to buy and sell future rental rights. OurBnBSD (www.ourbnbsd.com) - premier San Diego-based property managers growing quickly. Articles talked about: http://www.businessinsider.com/barcelona-just-declared-war-on-airbnb-2015-8 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/as-airbnb-grows-hotel-prices-expected-to-drop-2015-08-13 http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Woman-Ordered-to-Pay-15K-for-AirBnB-Hosting-Without-Permit-321699962.html