Research at the National Archives and Beyond!   /     Genealogy, History and a Friendship Journey - Akosua Moore and Kimberly Morgan


Join Janice Gilyard and Cherekana Feliciano for a conversation with Akosua Moore and Kimberly Morgan. Akosua Moore and Kimberly Morgan were two strangers brought together through genealogical and historical research. At the center of their connection is a man named Stephen Binyard, who is Moore's ancestor and is buried in Edgerly Cemetery in Beaufort, South Carolina. The two women met in person for the first time in 2014 and during this first encounter, they discovered that not only were they researching the same person but they also shared the same dream - to do genealogical research with Dr. Henry Louis Gates for "Finding Your Roots". Since then, not only has their research into Stephen Binyard uncovered a larger history about the lives of the formerly enslaved people buried in Edgerly Cemetery and who were once enslaved on Edgerly Plantation, but the two women have also realized their dream of working for "Finding Your Roots"!

Learn about the journey of two friends that made an amazing connection.
Publishing date
2021-12-03 01:00


Join Janice Gilyard and Cherekana Feliciano for a conversation with Akosua Moore and Kimberly Morgan. Akosua Moore and Kimberly Morgan were two strangers brought together through genealogical and historical research. At the center of their connection is a man named Stephen Binyard, who is Moore's ancestor and is buried in Edgerly Cemetery in Beaufort, South Carolina. The two women met in person for the first time in 2014 and during this first encounter, they discovered that not only were they researching the same person but they also shared the same dream - to do genealogical research with Dr. Henry Louis Gates for "Finding Your Roots". Since then, not only has their research into Stephen Binyard uncovered a larger history about the lives of the formerly enslaved people buried in Edgerly Cemetery and who were once enslaved on Edgerly Plantation, but the two women have also realized their dream of working for "Finding Your Roots"!