Episode date, February 23rd, 2017: I travel to Washington D.C. for the 2017 AWP Conference and Bookfair, where I interview writer, teacher, and model Chris Campanioni, who edits PANK magazine and is the author Death of Art, published by C&R Press. I also interview C&R and PANK owner John Gosslee. Chris Campanioni website: http://chriscampanioni.com/ John Gosslee website: https://johngosslee.com/ C&R Press website: https://www.crpress.org/ Death of Art: https://www.crpress.org/shop/deathofart/ Tall As You Are Tall Between Them: https://www.crpress.org/shop/tallasyouaretallbetweenthem/ Next, a recorded selection of readings from the PANK & Nomadic Invasions author showcase at Sixth Engine restaurant. The event was co-organized by Nomadic Press and PANK magazine during AWP 2017, and featured 14 authors, including: Cassandra Dallett, reading "The Day Prince Left" George Anderson, reading from "The Kaleidoscope Kid" Anderson's website: http://george-anderson.net/ Natasha Dennerstein, reading "Love Me, I'm Fake" & "Serial Eileen" Dennerstein's website: https://www.natashadennerstein.com/ Ariel Francisco, reading "The Young Men Along the Bar Are Too Tired Even to Die" Francisco's website: https://arielfranciscopoetry.wordpress.com/ Hollie Hardy, reading "The Animal Trail of Tears" Hardy's website: http://www.holliehardy.com/ Beth Ann Miller, reading "Your Bones" Your Bones PANK version: http://pankmagazine.com/piece/your-bones/ Roberto F. Santiago, reading "The Domestican" & "I Was Set up to Fail But Never Given The Chance To" Santiago's website: https://therfsantiago.com/ Annie Christain, reading "He Developed the Habit of Playing Airs, Most Correctly, Upon His Chin: March 3rd 1994, Rome" Elwin Michael Cotman, reading from his upcoming novella Next, Joy Deva Baglio, reading from "Ron" Matthew Siegel, reading a poem inspired by California's Bay Area Siegel's website: http://matthewsiegel.us/ Sidney Taiko, reading "Here be Monsters" Here Be Monsters PANK version: http://pankmagazine.com/piece/here-be-monsters/ Raina J León, reading "Poet Anxiety Disorder" León's website: http://www.rainaleon.com/ Will Cordeiro, reading "Dialogue With The Moon" PANK magazine website: http://pankmagazine.com/ Nomadic Press website: https://www.nomadicpress.org/ PANK & Nomadic Invasions: https://www.facebook.com/events/367706813596584/ Sixth Engine website: http://www.sixthengine.com/ #talkingpaper #interview #radiofreebrooklyn #poetry #writing #livereading #c&rpress #nomadicpress #pank #pankmagazine #awp #awp2017 #sixthengine