-- How to Write Web Copy Like a Pro -- What is the newest style of writing to attract today's short-attention span visitor? What specific steps should you take to optimize your web copy? What are the top three ways to motivate your visitors to take action on your site? This is a POWERFUL interview with SPECIFIC actions you can take when writing your website, blog, or any other web copy. Thomas Rozof and Charles Heflin describe specific copywriting tactics you can use to make your local marketing efforts much more effective. Here are a few of the points Tom Rozof made. (You'll find more in today's blog post). ------ Simplify your message. Keep your offer nice and clear, to the point in a friendly but direct way. Tell them what you do, how you do it and why you are better or different than other choices. ------ Give facts – give them plenty of reasons why to buy. ------ Keywords - Use keywords that people are searching for. Write with keyword density higher at the start of your web copy. Have that list of keywords in front of you that you know are important but don’t stuff your copy with keywords because it will become immediately obvious to any visitor. Use Google’s keyword tool. Simply act like your customer and search for your products and services yourself. See whose sites come up. Look at their copy! ------ Call to action -Tell your web visitor what to do. Ask them to fill out a form, drop you an email, sign up for a newsletter, but take action. ------ Bullet points – some people like to read details, others like just the highlights, give them some of both. ------ Features and benefits - talk in terms of features AND benefits, what’s in it for your visitor? What are the absolutely unique benefits of your product or service? ------ Speak from your heart – Tell your story as authentically and one-on-one as you can. You are only talking to one person at a time. Visit LocalWebScience.com to learn more and receive your free Special Report.