Get more impact from your communities broadband planning, listen to tips for increasing Affordability Connectivity Program (ACP) adoption, and meet winners who are making a difference in their digital communities. Two digital justice warriors share with Gigabit Nation secrets of their success at getting residents connected to broadband, digital inclusion, and telehealth. Rebecca F. Kauma is Digital Equity & Inclusion Officer for the City of Long Beach, CA. She is having great success making sure that everyone has a voice in the needs assessments and planning activities. Elizabeth Ramirez is the Community Digital Navigator for ACP in Waukegan, IL. In the last 60 days she engaged 230 households. 33% completing enrollment, while another 34% are approved for ACP and choosing their ISP. Kauma uses a “collective impact approach” in which her team goes deep inside of communities, engages groups within communities, and once everyone is convened, Kauma ensures everyone has an equal voice. Ramirez and ConnectWaukegan do extensive data analysis of their outreach efforts, who they connect with, and measure time and money saved.