Vulnerability is new for me. It’s very foreign and very frightening. I have tried to be vulnerable in the past, but the old school, hard ass mentality I grew up with just kicked in, by default, as soon as I tried. A poor excuse, I know. But I believe that everything happens for a reason. I wasn’t ready to be vulnerable at the time. I wasn’t ready to show all of me. It’s not an easy thing for people to do. Many live their entire lives hiding behind a version of themselves that is not really them. It’s sad to think about because there is so much the real you can give to the world. But because we have this misconception implanted in our brains to feel and act a certain way, we hide some of the best values we possess.That is selfish. Again, being vulnerable is not easy. I believe there is a certain way to do it. What I will tell you from my personal experience is that starting to be vulnerable, to be you, is such a sense of relief.That’s what this episode of Sell More is all about. It’s me being vulnerable with you.It’s me sharing some of the hardest obstacles I’ve had to overcome in life, minus being a child stuck in between a 8 year long brutal divorce and a troubled childhood. That’s for another day.This show is me sharing with you some of the things in life that have been challenging, but have not been paralyzing. I have overcome all the adversity that accompanies these challenges. There are three that I share with you today. I decided to take baby steps. (Smile) Mumbling A learning disability of reading comprehension ADHD and not taking medicine Mr. Mumbles The mumbling has been a problem for years. I’m not sure why, but it happens. I fumble over words or it takes me a while to gather my thoughts on what is the right word for that particular part of the sentence. It’s not a huge deal, but an area where people have pointed it to me and asked me to correct it. Living With A LD The learning disability has been a part of my life since the 4th grade, so around 10 years old.The type of LD I have is in reading comprehension. Go figure because I love to read. What the LD does is cause me tp have to read things multiple times to comprehend the information shared inside the story, book, article, or magazine. You know when you live with something for so long, you don’t even notice it anymore. It’s part of my past and forever a part of me, but not one of negativity. The learning disability no longer affects me or my life, but it is still there. I just have learned to deal with it. Squirrel! Where? The ADHD comes with the territory of the learning disability. The two overlap each other as explained by some really smart people. To me that makes sense. The ADHD was diagnosed when I was 19. The doctor gave me adderall as a way to cope with the disease. I never liked taking medicine, especially adderall. It helped me concentrate, but to the extent of losing who I was. My sense of humor was gone. I felt like a prisoner inside my own body.It was not a fun experience for me. I decided I would learn how to live with ADHD without medicine.In college, I would still get my prescription filled. Then I sold it to kids who used it for exams and cram sessions. Made a nice chunk of change at the time. That definitely showed the signs of my entrepreneurial spirit. The ADHD is the most troubling of all the obstacles because I am constantly dealing with the effects. I am easily distracted. At times, it is hard to sit still. I zone out or my mind goes off to three million directions when people are talking.You might notice that I repeat or ask to repeat what someone had already said to make sure I comprehended what they shared.
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