Data is the most important part of any business's marketing efforts. Yes, you heard me correct. I said it.Data is the most important part of your marketing. Not the content. Not your social media accounts. Not your website. You need all of those channels, but they are not the most important. The data helps you track what is going on. Knowing how they are performing is the key here. That is what we talk about with our guest in today’s show. Kate O’Neill is one the smartest digital marketing minds that I know. We have worked on a couple projects together over the years.She was a key contributor to a section in my book, Chirp, Chirp. Kate was one of the most attended speakers to my Chirp, Chirp Extravaganza event. Let me give her a formal introduction to do her some justice. Intro: Kate O'Neill has an amazing story. She tells it better in the podcast, but I’m going to highlight some of the special areas.Kate was one of the first 100 employees of Netflix. She has worked at Toshiba and various other technology startups.She travels around the globe keynoting on marketing and technology topics. She is a frequent contributor on the Twittersphere and her other social media channels. Kate has a very unique outlook on almost everything from data all the way down to life. It’s never a dull moment talking with Kate O’Neill. You are in for treat. Heart of the Interview: Entrepreneurs, small businesses, and organizations that are not enterprises, still need to think big. There are two ways to do that. Keep one eye on the present and the other eye 10 years down the road. Get to know the customer. The more you know them, the more effective, the more successful and the more profitable you become. Key Takeaways: No reason to pigeon hole yourself. You can always use the skills and knowledge from one area and apply to another as long as you have a willingness to start from scratch. You have to be willing to be dumb at something at first and not be daunted by the dumbness. You don’t need to have a large corporation to have a vision of an Apple or Netflix. You can still think strategically. And you should. Be nimble is a huge strategic advantage. The objective is to treat marketing as a knowledge center. Use Twitter to stay on top of the trends. Create lists in Twitter to easily follow the thought leaders. Ask yourself questions about a campaign when you set them up. What You Can Do To Sell More: To effectively use data to better your business you must first believe that marketing is the opportunity to know your customers.All the data from the interactions doesn’t need to be scary if you approach it as things that can teach you about your customers. The more you know your customers the more you can tailor your offers and messaging that you put in front of them. And the more profitable you’ll end up being.It's a way to make the customer experience better. Make it easier for them to interact with you.And in the process you become more effective, more successful, and more profitable.Think about it as framing it around the customer and the customer experience. Contact Info for Kate O'Neill: Website: www.KOInsights.comTwitter: @kateoLinkedIn: page: Question for you: Do you currently use analytics with your marketing efforts? If you like this podcast, then you will like this post:How To Set Up Goals in Google Analytics & Views For Beginners
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