Sell More   /     Sitting On The Shoulders Of An Internet Marketing Rockstar with Jason Drohn – SM04


Get ready for a crash course in internet marketing and selling online with my new friend, Jason Drohn. Jason is, literally, a rockstar in the internet marketing world. A seasoned vet for over 10 years, there isn’t much Jason has not seen.He shares all his infinite wisdom with us in this episode of the Sell More podcast.Let’s goooooo!  Intro: Jason didn’t do much when he first started off. He only drove a truck driver for Pepsi for 60 hours while he went to college, which he graduated with a double major. During which he started his online business. Now, he makes software that solve common problems for owners.Jason started his entrepreneurial career as big time affiliate marketer, selling a lot of other people’s products. After many years of success, he decided to make the transition into the world of software.Currently, Jason has three software companies and he is just getting started.  Special Note: I mention Heather Ann Havenwood at the 13:50 mark and say she is in episode 3. That is incorrect. She will be in episode 7 of the podcast.   Heart of the Interview: You can break internet marketing down into three parts. You have traffic You have an offer You have a follow upTraffic is the hardest part.  Key Takeaways: Internet marketing is the art and profession of selling products (digital or physical) online. Traffic is where most people fail. To become good at traffic you need to master one traffic source. All traffic sources are not created equal. You need a continuous form of follow up for your email list. You need to communicate with your list regularly; at least three times a week. They will forget who you are. The more you email, the less unsubscribes you will have. Mail every day and you will have a very low unsubscribe rate. Never go longer than once a week without mailing. EVER.  What You Can Do To Sell More: Even with a small list you can make a huge amount of revenue. With 850 to 1,000 people you can still make a healthy living. It’s about how you treat that list. How engaged you are with them. How warm you keep them. The key to email marketing, now, is to provide value and then toss in, on an occasion, an offer. Segment your audience according the actions they take on your website or where they end up. Retargeting will convert your warmest leads at 70%. It also serves as branding tactic.   Contact Info for Jason: Timeslots - A calendar tool that sales professionals use. Scriptly - Copy and paste email templates and marketing materials.Curately - Create content for your website in - Jason’s personal website and coaching program.  Question for you: What do you do when you are listening to podcasts?The post Sitting On The Shoulders Of An Internet Marketing Rockstar with Jason Drohn – SM04 appeared first on Digital Marketing Resources For Entrepreneurs.


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Get ready for a crash course in internet marketing and selling online with my new friend, Jason Drohn. Jason is, literally, a rockstar in the internet marketing world. A seasoned vet for over 10 years, there isn’t much Jason has not seen.
Publishing date
2016-04-19 03:32
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