[Here are the complete interviews of Deb and Matt that were interrupted by a system crash] Two long-time broadband experts explain how to boost broadband adoption in their communities by integrating telehealth in their digital strategy. These are early pioneers of broadband-telehealth integration. first the trash is Chattanooga. This city was the first to have border-to-border gigabit service available to everyone. Now they're setting the pace with telehealth. 1,000 free telehealth appointments are coming to one of the lowest income communities in Chattanooga, TN, plus home Internet access, new Chromebooks, and training. President and CEO Deb Socia of The Enterprise Center discusses the city’s digital intervention that will help residents who are susceptible to high incidences of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. Chattanooga’s public gigabit network plays a key role in the telehealth delivery.