Links& Shownotes: All of us just want to be happy, right?! Unfortunately we tend to look for love and happiness on the outside. Hoping we’ll get it from others. Just as posting a selfie on Facebook can give us the confirmation that people like us, so can a Tinder date pump us full with love hormones for a night. But speaking frankly, is sex with our lover really going to make us happier, even if it’s good sex? Mostly we watch this happiness from the outside, fading away. And then we do the same thing all over again, or look for it somewhere else. But how can we get to a point where we feel loved and happy, sustainably, without the wearing off part? I have invited a beautiful guest for this podcast episode, Gini Can Breathe. She has dedicated her work to happiness and to the question of what makes us truly happy. She is a catalyst on Youtube and Snapchat, spreading her message with her fun videos, flashmobs and writings. Gini shares almost every second of her life, through Snapchat. She gives people the opportunity to see her, every day. She believes in complete transparency. Those moments she shares are authentic and come from a place of surrendering self-love. Through exploring that place she is able to show her self. This podcast is about nourishing self-love and why it’s important to love ourselves before we make love to others (and why it’s important for your orgasms too).