The Ghosts of the Missing and Murdered Women, Men and Children of All Nations Cry Out for Justice. They cry out to be remembered. They cry out to be avenged. They pray for the stoney hearts of their murderers and oppressors and ask why those who slayed them are still living in Ivory Towers and eating and drinking and revelling while they lie in unmarked graves with their relatives often never knowing if they are dead or alive. Hopefully on this 5th of May, 2021, you will have raised your voices High and Painted Your Faces Red and Sdreamed at the Top of Your Lungs to Let Your Mouth Be a Voice and a Body on the Line to say NO MORE SILENCE. STOP THE RAPING AND THE PILLAGING, THE DEATH, DESTRUCTION AND DESECRATION OF OUR WOMEN, CHILDREN AND OUR MEN. NO MORE SILENCE. LET THE SPIRITS OF THE MISSING AND MURDERED SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS AND MAY THE CARNAGE END TODAY AND NEVER BE SEEN UPON THE EARTH AGAIN. AHO MITAKWAYASE. WE INVITE ALL FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF MISSING AND MURDERED AND SEX TRAFFICKED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS AND REPENTANT PERPETRATORS TO JOIN US THIS DAY AFTER MMIW REMEMBRANCE DAY SO WE SHOW THAT EVERY DAY IS A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE. BRING YOUR STORIES. BRING YOUR TEARS. BRING YOUR RAGE. BRING YOUR SORROW. BRING YOUR REPENTANCE. DON'T LET THEM SCARE YOU INTO SILENCE. WE ARE ETERNAL SPIRITS AND WE MUST NO LONGER BE AFRAID AND NO LONGER BE SILENT! WE LOVE YOU, OUR MISSING AND MURDERED RELATIVES. WE PROTECT YOU NOW AS YOU WATCH OVER US AND TOGETHER WE WILL STOP THIS SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS IN OUR HEARTS, AND MINDS AND BODIES.