SALE! SALE! SALE! GIFTS FOR THE READER! October 27, 2022 at 4PM Mountain Time... Floyd Allen is an Author and Educator who has been in Arizona, the Valley of the Sun since 1976. In 2001 he became THE BIBLE GUY on TV 3’s GOOD MORNING ARIZONA, where he appeared regularly until 2005. Add to your Library! I believe... Reading IS one of the Best Nutrients for the Mind! Along with his wife, Clarissa, Floyd produces an on-line Christian Magazine, GOD’S GOOD NEWS GAZETTE, and manages their Publishing Company, MORGAN WYNN PUBLISHING. MORGAN WYNN PUBLISHING has been helping authors get their books published for over thirty years, and in that time they have produced dozens and dozens of titles. A Self-Publishing Company, they ensure that an author’s book is presented to the public EXACTLY the way the author wants it to be. Extremely reasonably priced, they make the Publishing experience both enjoyable and exhilarating - - something to be looked forward to and NOT to be dreaded!!