On Thursday 1st May at 7pm join the crowds at The Almanack, Kenilworth to witness local business woman Sally Evans raise awareness and funds for charity while she braves a full head shave curtesy of Saks Hair Salon Kenilworth. Local photographer Sally Evans wanted to show her support for both Scope and The Veterans Charity and would like as much local support on the day, or by donating to one of the charities chosen. To find out more contact Sally on contact@sallyevansphotography.co.uk The event has been sponsored by The Almanack Kenilworth and there will be an opportunity to enter a raffle to help raise more funds for the charities. If you would like to donate ahead of the event please go to - http://m.virginmoneygiving.com/mt/uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserPage.action?userUrl=SallyEvansPhoto&faId=448256&isTeam=false Scope Charity number - 208231 Veterans Charity number - 1123149 http://www.scope.org.uk/about-us http://www.veteranscharity.org.uk venue - The Almanack Abbey End Kenilworth CV8 1QJ Listen again at http://www.radiowarks.com reporter @LianeKate