In this episode, Donn talks about the tips and tricks he's used over the last 20 years of consulting, freelancing and working full time to find work. We're hoping some of these tips help those affected by the recent tech layoffs.
In this episode, Donn talks about the tips and tricks he's used over the last 20 years of consulting, freelancing and working full time to find jobs and new opporftunities. We're hoping some of these tips help those affected by the recent tech layoffs.
These are tips that Donn still uses to this day. They work wonders to help you land a job quickly when you do them.
The tips:
Ancillary Tips to Boost Your Chances of Landing a Job:
Need to learn Git? Donn has the course for you. In this FREE course you'll learn everything you need to know in order to start working with Git everyday. Watch it here.
@fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel
@donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)
Freelancing for Mobile Developers (Donn's YouTube)
kaushikgopal (on YouTube) or or @kaushikgopal
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