Doctor it!   /     Doctor it! Episode 8 – Decolonising academia


To what extent does the legacy of colonialism influence academia and how are researchers at the Vienna Doctoral Schools aiming to overcome inequalities of power? In the semester’s final episode, our host Angelina Illes talks with Daniela Paredes Grijalva from the Institute for Social Anthropology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Marcela Torres Heredia from the University’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology about their doctoral research projects in which they apply decolonising approaches. Listen in when they discuss how we can break with asymmetric power relations in academia by changing how we design and conduct research. Learn about how Daniela and Marcela engage with their research partners in Indonesia and Colombia, and find out how they reveal alternative ways to understand the world and to address today’s planetary challenges. This episode was written and produced by Angelina Illes, Nadine Riegler, and Ninja Bumann, edited by Nadine Riegler and Martin Pokorny, and hosted by Angelina Illes. Special thanks go out to our guests, Daniela Paredes Grijalva and Marcela Torres Heredia.

To what extent does the legacy of colonialism influence academia and how are researchers at the Vienna Doctoral Schools aiming to overcome inequalities of power? In the semester’s final episode, our host Angelina Illes talks with Daniela Paredes Gr...
Publishing date
2023-01-30 13:13
  Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies & Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences


To what extent does the legacy of colonialism influence academia and how are researchers at the Vienna Doctoral Schools aiming to overcome inequalities of power? In the semester’s final episode, our host Angelina Illes talks with Daniela Paredes Grijalva from the Institute for Social Anthropology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Marcela Torres Heredia from the University’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology about their doctoral research projects in which they apply decolonising approaches. Listen in when they discuss how we can break with asymmetric power relations in academia by changing how we design and conduct research. Learn about how Daniela and Marcela engage with their research partners in Indonesia and Colombia, and find out how they reveal alternative ways to understand the world and to address today’s planetary challenges.

This episode was written and produced by Angelina Illes, Nadine Riegler, and Ninja Bumann, edited by Nadine Riegler and Martin Pokorny, and hosted by Angelina Illes. Special thanks go out to our guests, Daniela Paredes Grijalva and Marcela Torres Heredia.