Host Kathy Sipple speaks with Carla Kenney, Master Urban Gardener and Nikki D'Adamo-Damery, Conservation Outreach & Equity Director at Sand County Foundation about the organization and her work with the Land Ethic Mentorship Program, supporting historically underserved farmers and ranchers. Nikki will visit Gary, Indiana in July 2023 for a tour and celebration of several innovative urban farmers, details about this and other events here. About Sand County Foundation In 1967, Sand County Foundation created a successful partnership among a group of private landowners to protect the land surrounding the famous “Shack” property of Aldo Leopold, America’s foremost conservation thinker. This pioneering cooperative venture led landowners to commit to voluntary conservation while raising awareness of Leopold’s land ethic, which inspires thousands of other owners of working land. Sand County Foundation's mission is to inspire and empower a growing number of land owners and managers to ethically care for the land to sustain water resources, build healthy soil, enhance wildlife habitat, and support outdoor recreation.