Media Bullseye Roundtable   /     Media Bullseye Roundtable 2016.09: Crises, Video, and VR


In this week's episode of the Media Bullseye Radio Roundtable, I'm joined by Shel Holtz, founder of the FIR Podcast Network and Principal of Holtz Communications + Technology, to discuss the following 3 topics in 30 minutes or less:Viewers like online videos, but why don't they want to watch news video? And what does it mean for communicators?Should public relations pros be working to get their organizations' websites ready for virtual reality?Just how unprepared are organizations for crisis communications -- and how can they improve?Continue Reading →The post Media Bullseye Roundtable 2016.09: Crises, Video, and VR appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.


In this week’s episode of the Media Bullseye Radio Roundtable, I’m joined by Shel Holtz, founder of the FIR Podcast Network and Principal of Holtz Communications + Technology, to discuss the following 3 topics in 30 minutes or less:

* Viewers like online videos, but why don’t they want to watch news video? And what does it mean for communicators?
* Should public relations pros be working to get their organizations’ websites ready for virtual reality?
* Just how unprepared are organizations for crisis communications — and how can they improve?

In this week's episode of the Media Bullseye Radio Roundtable, I'm joined by Shel Holtz, founder of the FIR Podcast Network and Principal of Holtz Communications + Technology, to discuss the following 3 topics in 30 minutes or less: -
Publishing date
2016-07-06 10:27
  Chip Griffin


In this week’s episode of the Media Bullseye Radio Roundtable, I’m joined by Shel Holtz, founder of the FIR Podcast Network and Principal of Holtz Communications + Technology, to discuss the following 3 topics in 30 minutes or less:

  • Viewers like online videos, but why don’t they want to watch news video? And what does it mean for communicators?
  • Should public relations pros be working to get their organizations’ websites ready for virtual reality?
  • Just how unprepared are organizations for crisis communications — and how can they improve?

The post Media Bullseye Roundtable 2016.09: Crises, Video, and VR appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.