On this episode of the Private Practice Journeys podcast, Debby Simmons, a licensed marriage and family therapist and Jeff Zimmerman, a licensed psychologist and an expert in private practice development discuss methods of developing Debby’s group private practice. Give it a listen and find out why you’ll want to follow these therapists on their journeys into private practice! Get the show notes on the "Private Practice Journeys" podcast page at http://www.chrisquarto.com/ Join the Private Practice Journeys Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/704499516382080/?ref=bookmarks Learning Along the Journey * When Jeff consults with therapists who want to go into private practice he asks about their vision (e.g., “Why is it that you want to do this kind of work?”). * Debby’s website gives Jeff a sense of who she is and what her practice is all about. Also, it communicates uniqueness given her holistic approach to helping clients. * In group practice, it’s important to be integrated and not simply a set of independent therapists who are all doing their own things. * Marketing involves promoting the whole concept of the practice – what it stands for/its brand/it’s uniqueness – and not the individual therapists (i.e., no therapist is greater than the practice). * Be willing to go out into the community and be visible in any way possible (e.g., making presentations, talking to groups, etc.) so as to reduce your dependence on referral sources (i.e., go straight to the consumer). Being creative in how your practice connects to the community is key. * Challenges of group practice owners: 1) must be willing to finance your efforts (e.g., marketing dollars, etc.) and 2) hiring therapists who will do a good job representing the practice (including promoting the practice via blogging, networking, making presentations, etc. based on their unique strengths). * What kinds of incentives can group practice owners offer their employees? In some cases, owners offer employees partnership opportunities. Other owners offer bonuses based on productivity, origination of cases, and/or going above and beyond in various ways. Stops Along the Journey – Check it Out: * Jeff Zimmerman’s website - http://thepracticeinstitute.com/ * Jeff’s book - Financial Management for Your Mental Health Practice: Key Concepts Made Simple (https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Management-Mental-Health-Practice/dp/0990344533) * Another book – Handbook of Private Practice: Keys to Success for Mental Health Practitioners (https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Private-Practice-Success-Practitioners/dp/0190272163/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) * Southeast Psych website: http://www.southeastpsych.com/ * Debby Simmons’ website: http://primrosehealingandwellness.com/ * Debby’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PrimroseHealingandWellness/ * Primrose Healing & Wellness Center phone number: 650-425-3451