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Wir gehen auf die 50 zu! Aber noch sind wir bei der Nr. 49 mit As und Os Berichten der letzten Zeit, einem Paper zu Fragetypen in der Medizin und einem zum Nutzen von OER. AuĂźerdem die Fundgrube, keine Politik, dafĂĽr aber Veranstaltungstipps und einer Weltverbesserungsidee

Das “Alt” in BldgAltEntf
Publishing date
2023-07-22 10:36
Deep link
  Anja Lorenz, Oliver Tacke
  Anja Lorenz


Die Folge haben wir am 18.07.2023 aufgenommen.

Intro & Feedback

Zum Mitsingen





Paper+O: Fragen mal anders – aber nicht sooo anders

Fournier, Jean Paul; Demeester, Anne; Charlin, Bernard

Script Concordance Tests: Guidelines for Construction Artikel

In: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Bd. 8, Ausg. 18, 2008, ISSN: 1472-6947.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {Script Concordance Tests: Guidelines for Construction},
author = {Jean Paul Fournier and Anne Demeester and Bernard Charlin},
url = {},
doi = {10.1186/1472-6947-8-18},
issn = {1472-6947},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-05-06},
urldate = {2008-05-06},
journal = {BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making},
volume = {8},
issue = {18},
abstract = {Background
SCT is used to assess clinical reasoning in ambiguous or uncertain situations. It allows testing on real-life situations that are not adequately measured with current tests. It probes the multiple judgments that are made in the clinical reasoning process. Scoring reflects the degree of concordance of these judgments to those of a panel of reference experts.

SCT is an item format that is gaining acceptance in education in the health professions. However, there are no detailed guidelines on item writing, test scoring or test optimization.

The item format is described and the steps for preparing and administering reliable and valid SCTs are presented.

SCTs probe examinees on a specific clinical reasoning task: data interpretation, a crucial step in the clinical reasoning process. It is inferred that a high degree of concordance corresponds to optimal use of information in the context of these specific tasks and therefore provides an indication of clinical reasoning quality.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


SCT is used to assess clinical reasoning in ambiguous or uncertain situations. It allows testing on real-life situations that are not adequately measured with current tests. It probes the multiple judgments that are made in the clinical reasoning process. Scoring reflects the degree of concordance of these judgments to those of a panel of reference experts.

SCT is an item format that is gaining acceptance in education in the health professions. However, there are no detailed guidelines on item writing, test scoring or test optimization.

The item format is described and the steps for preparing and administering reliable and valid SCTs are presented.

SCTs probe examinees on a specific clinical reasoning task: data interpretation, a crucial step in the clinical reasoning process. It is inferred that a high degree of concordance corresponds to optimal use of information in the context of these specific tasks and therefore provides an indication of clinical reasoning quality.



Script-Concordance-Was? Test. Was’n das? Erklärt dieses Paper – und vielleicht fällt ein H5P-Inhaltstyp dabei raus.

Paper+A: mOER als Placebo?

Ebner, Martin; Orr, Dominic; Schön, Sandra

OER Impact Assessment: A framework for higher education institutions and beyond. Approaches to assess the impact of Open Educational Resources Artikel

In: Open Education Studies, Bd. 4, Ausg. 1, S. 296–309, 2022, ISSN: 2544-7831.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

title = {OER Impact Assessment: A framework for higher education institutions and beyond. Approaches to assess the impact of Open Educational Resources},
author = {Martin Ebner and Dominic Orr and Sandra Schön},
url = {},
doi = {10.1515/edu-2022-0018},
issn = {2544-7831},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-07-28},
journal = { Open Education Studies},
volume = {4},
issue = {1},
pages = {296–309},
abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of approaches to and insights for impact assessment on open educational resources (OER) in higher education and building on this to sketch a framework for university focussed OER impact assessment. The authors describe the literature on impact assessment in the OER context and the existing contributions to OER impact assessment in higher education. Findings of the analysis are that there are few contributions on the effects of OER in general or of specific OER initiatives. Four contributions are presented in more detail. From these examples and the literature analysis, derivations, and challenges for OER impact assessment are drawn, such as the large diversity in OER purposes and the invisibility of the re-usage of OER. The contribution sketches a framework model for describing OER-relevant results, outcomes, and impact, and more specifically demonstrates how this can be done for exemplary OER-related objectives. This contribution is thus of relevance to funding bodies and institutions working in the context of higher education that wish to systematically evaluate and monitor statements about the effectiveness of OER activities according to the UNESCO (2019) OER recommendation.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}


The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of approaches to and insights for impact assessment on open educational resources (OER) in higher education and building on this to sketch a framework for university focussed OER impact assessment. The authors describe the literature on impact assessment in the OER context and the existing contributions to OER impact assessment in higher education. Findings of the analysis are that there are few contributions on the effects of OER in general or of specific OER initiatives. Four contributions are presented in more detail. From these examples and the literature analysis, derivations, and challenges for OER impact assessment are drawn, such as the large diversity in OER purposes and the invisibility of the re-usage of OER. The contribution sketches a framework model for describing OER-relevant results, outcomes, and impact, and more specifically demonstrates how this can be done for exemplary OER-related objectives. This contribution is thus of relevance to funding bodies and institutions working in the context of higher education that wish to systematically evaluate and monitor statements about the effectiveness of OER activities according to the UNESCO (2019) OER recommendation.



OER verbessern die Welt! Aber tun sie das WIRKlich? Und wenn ja, in welcher Hinsicht? In Österreich will man den Impact der OER-Förderung messen, die Autor*innen machen sich Gedanken dazu, wie das passieren kann.


Projekte, Tools, Apps… das sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien. Wir packen einfach alles in die Fundgrube:


  • 15. bis 19. September 2023: Chaos Communication Camp in Mildenberg
    DrauĂźen mit Nerds, mehr dazu bei LNP465.
  • 16. September 2023: BarCamp Kiel
    Themenoffen mit netten Norddeutschen, Anmeldung ab 01. August 2023
  • 13. bis 15. September 2023: GeNeMe in Dresden
    E-Learning in einer der schönsten Städte der Welt
  • 22. bis 24. September 2023: EduCamp in Halle (Saale)
    DAS Bildungs-BarCamp im Bildungshaus Riesenklein, Anmeldung läuft bereits.
  • 03. und 04. November 2023: NooK in LĂĽbeck
    Call für Workshops, Vorträge, Lightningtalks und Stände läuft bereits


Der Tierschutzbund freut sich ĂĽber UnterstĂĽtzung.

Diese und andere Weltverbesserungsideen findet man auch gesammelt hier.

Deeplinks to Chapters

00:00:00.000 Intro
00:02:24.000 Was wir heute vorhaben
00:03:00.000 Neues von O: Umzug ist durch, O auch
00:04:43.000 Neues von O: Kleinanzeigennepp
00:09:26.000 Neues von O: Hollywood Vampires in Hamburg
00:11:56.000 Neues von O: Laufen, laufen, laufen
00:13:45.000 Neues von O: GameMap bald startklar
00:16:00.000 Neues von O: Flash und schlechte Effekte
00:19:59.000 Neues von A: Science-Slam
00:22:52.000 Neues von A: EMOOCs
00:30:57.000 Neues von A: Fremdpodcasten
00:34:49.000 Neues von A: EduCamp
00:35:00.000 Neues von A: Aufräumtag
00:39:23.000 Paper O: Fragen mal anders – aber nicht sooo anders
00:58:04.000 Paper A: mOER als Placebo?
01:15:25.000 Fundgrube: Energiemonitor
01:18:28.000 Fundgrube: Bookdown
01:21:07.000 Fundgrube: Podcasts
01:25:59.000 Fundgrube: Procatinator
01:26:40.000 Veranstaltungstipps
01:32:03.000 Weltverbesserungsidee