Python Bytes   /     #30 You are not Google and other ruminations


Python Bytes 30Sponsored by DataDog: Try DataDog and get a free shirt at #1: Problems and Solutions are different at different scalesYou are not GoogleEnough with microservicesMichael #2: Introducing NoDB - a Pythonic Object Store for S3Released in April 2017 by Rich JonesAn incredibly simple, Pythonic object store based on Amazon's S3 static file storage.NoDB isn't a database.. but it sort of looks like one!Kind of like a document database, supports indexingCan use Pickling or JSONMostly useful for prototyping, casual hacking, and (maybe) even low-traffic server-less databases for Zappa apps!Can see a few use cases for NoDB: Prototyping schemasStoring API event responses for later replayCapturing event logsStoring simple form data (email addresses, etc.)Storing non-relational analytics dataFiring Lambda event triggersVersion controlling evolving Python objectsStoring and loading trained machine learning models #3: Elizabeth for mock data Part 1: Part 2: pytest plugin: #4: What’s New In Python 3.7Lang: More than 255 arguments can now be passed to a function, and a function can now have more than 255 parameters.Lang: bytes.fromhex() and bytearray.fromhex() now ignore all ASCII whitespace, not only spaces.Lang: Circular imports involving absolute imports with binding a submodule to a name are now supported.Module: contextlib.asynccontextmanager() has been added. Similar to contextmanager(), but creates an asynchronous context manager.This function is a decorator that can be used to define a factory function for async with statement asynchronous context managers, without needing to create a class or separate __aenter__() and __aexit__() methods.Module:The dis() function now is able to disassemble nested code objects (the code of comprehensions, generator expressions and nested functions, and the code used for building nested classes).Module: math: New remainder() function, implementing the IEEE 754-style remainder operation.Optimization: Added two new opcodes: LOAD_METHOD and CALL_METHOD to avoid instantiation of bound method objects for method calls, which results in method calls being faster up to 20%.Optimization: The os.fwalk() function has been sped up by 2 times.Brian #5: Hypothesis TestingUnleash the Test ArmyMichael #6: Heroku switching default to v3.6.1Effective Tuesday, June 20th, 2017, new Python applications pushed to Heroku will use the python-3.6.1 runtime by default (instead of python-2.7.13).Existing applications will not be affected by this change.“Lots of new projects start out on heroku all the time, so this is really great news for python 3 adoption.”“Python 3 is really happening. I was actually a little worried about the future of Python for a while.”

Publishing date
2017-06-15 08:00
  Michael Kennedy