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Happy National Walking Month! Living Streets is the national charity that stands up for pedestrians. This is the second in our special series of podcasts to celebrate National Walking Month, our annual campaign dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness of the benefits of walking. The month focuses on how walking can take you to more than just a destination – it can take you to a clearer head, more family time, hidden treasures in your neighbourhood, a fatter wallet from savings on petrol or public transport, and a healthier environment. Each of the podcasts in this series will focus on a different benefit. As we get some healthy competition going in the run up to Walk to Work Week from 12-16 May, we’ll be investigating in this episode how walking can take you to better shape. In this second podcast, we’ll be meeting some of the people who’ve been getting into better shape through walking. We’ll meet Mark Higgins, who discovered that walking was a great way to both get to work and shed some extra pounds when he took part in Walk to Work Week 2013 – and learn what happened when he took it up longer term. We’ll meet Angie, part of a walking group in Doncaster, which was set up five years ago as part of a Living Streets project and has kept up the habit to this day. And we’ll be chatting through some of our stats expert Tim Fitches’ favourite facts and figures about walking and how it can improve your physical health. #walkthismay #WalktoWork #WalktoSchool

Happy National Walking Month! Living Streets is the national charity that stands up for pedestrians. This is the second in our special series of podcasts to celebrate National Walking Month, our annual campaign dedicated to celebrating and ra...
Publishing date
2014-05-08 14:49