Demagogglebox   /     Demagogglebox - Episode 8 - Better Late Than Never (Recorded 26th APRIL 2017)


If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element In April 2017, Theresa May announced a snap election. Mere moments after this and the Demagogglebox team recorded their thoughts.More than 6 weeks later, the podcast was edited and here is the result. SPOILERS: samples will be used in a future episode of the podcast whereby Hitch can rub it in Alex's face just how much of a wrong'un he is.Unsually nifty bollocks. *** Warning - this is explicit content ***You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here. Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)


If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element In April 2017, Theresa May announced a snap election. Mere moments after this and the Demagogglebox team recorded their thoughts.More than 6 weeks later, the podcast was edited and here is the result. SPOILERS: samples will be used in a future episode of the podcast whereby Hitch can rub it in Alex's face just how much of a wrong'un he is. Unsually nifty bollocks.  *** Warning - this is explicit content *** You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here. Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)

If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element In April 2017, Theresa May announced a snap election. Mere moments after this and the Demagogglebox team recorded their thoughts.More than 6 weeks later, the podcast wa
Publishing date
2017-06-20 15:18
  Demagogglebox (Alex Kealy and Richard Hanrahan)