Python Bytes   /     #370: Your Very Own Heroku


Topics covered in this episode: Dokku Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions How to check Internet Speed via Terminal? speedtest-cli Blogs: We all should blog more Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: Brian: Show: Join us on YouTube at to be part of the audience. Usually Tuesdays at 11am PT. Older video versions available there too. Michael #1: Dokku An open source PAAS alternative to Heroku. Dokku helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications from building to scaling. Powered by Docker, you can install Dokku on any hardware. Once it's set up on a host, you can push Heroku-compatible applications to it via Git. Rich plug in architecture. Brian #2: Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions Nicholas Hairs Changes between versions & Tools & utilities to help with switching Hopefully you’re already at least at 3.8, but come on, 3.11 & 3.12 are so fun! Useful things pyupgrade can automatically upgrade code base (However, I frequently just upgrade and run tests and let my old code be as-is until it bugs me. - Brian) black checks pyproject.toml requires-python setting and uses version specific rules. Versions (way more highlights listed in the article) 3.8 Assignment expressions := walrus f"{variable=}" now works 3.9 Typing has built in generics like dict[], so no more from typing import Dict Dict union operator Strings can removeprefix and removesuffix 3.10 Structural pattern matching match/case Typing: Union using pipe | Dataclasses support slots=True and kw_only=True 3.11 tomllib included as a standard TOMP parser Exception groups Exception Notes add_note() Typing: A Self type Star unpacking expressions allowed in for statements: for x in *a, *b: 3.12 f-strings can re-use quotes Typing: better type parameter syntax Typing: @override decorator ensures a method being overridden by a child class actually exists. Michael #3: How to check Internet Speed via Terminal? speedtest-cli Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using Just pipx install speedtest-cli Has a Python API too Brian #4: Blogs: We all should blog more Jeff Triplett is attempting one post per day in February Feb 1: Choosing the Right Python and Django Versions for Your Projects Feb 2: My First Mac Which also links to a quite interesting Personal: Default Apps 2023 Feb 3: What’s Your Go-to Comfort Media? [rough cut] Feb 4: The Django apps I actually use (rough cut) Feb 5: How to test with Django and pytest fixtures Need ideas? Check out Build an idea bank and never run out of blog ideas Not using AI? Thanks. We appreciate that. Maybe tag it as Not By AI Extras Brian: If upgrading to pytest 8, be aware that running individual tests with parametrization will result in a reverse order. It shouldn’t matter. You shouldn’t be depending on test order. But it was surprising to me. Issue has been logged Michael: Orbstack follow up Joke: White Lies


Topics include Dokku, Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions, speedtest-cli, and.

Publishing date
2024-02-06 00:00
  Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy)