CMAJ Podcasts   /     Diagnosing rare and common infections in returning travellers


On this episode, Dr. Blair Bigham and Dr. Mojola Omole explore a clinical case involving a rare infection in a returned traveler, highlighting the critical role of travel history in diagnosing unusual diseases. They discuss the case of a woman in her 60s who presented with fever and ankle pain after returning from India. Initial concerns for septic arthritis led to further investigation when standard treatments failed to alleviate her symptoms. Dr. Mara Waters is the lead author of the clinical case entitled “Melioidosis with septic arthritis in a returning traveller,” published in Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). She details the steps the infectious diseases team took to ultimately identify the infection as caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei.

Dr. Waters, an infectious diseases fellow at the University of Toronto, describes the challenges of diagnosing and treating melioidosis, emphasizing the importance of considering travel history and the evolving geography of infectious diseases. She highlights the broader implications of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases and the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health.

Following the case discussion, Dr. Jeffrey Pernica, a specialist in infectious diseases and tropical medicine, offers a refresher on common infections in returning travelers, such as malaria, dengue, and typhoid. He stresses the importance of considering these more prevalent conditions when evaluating a returning traveller with fever, providing practical advice on diagnosis and management.

This episode serves as a reminder of the complexities of diagnosing travel-related infections and the need for clinicians to be vigilant about travel history, especially in the context of global travel resurgence and the impacts of climate change on infectious disease patterns.

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The CMAJ Podcast is produced by PodCraft Productions