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In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass discuss their experiences at a WordPress Rochester April Meetup. Michelle recounts giving a talk on WordPress and image optimization, focusing on audience engagement and technical challenges. Corey reflects on the presentation's success and its technical and engagement aspects.

In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass discuss their experiences at a WordPress Rochester April Meetup. Michelle recounts giving a talk on WordPress and image optimization, focusing on audience engagement and technical challenges. C
Publishing date
2024-04-05 17:00
  Michelle Frechette, Corey Maass


In this podcast episode, Michelle Frechette and Corey Maass discuss their experiences at a WordPress Rochester April Meetup. Michelle recounts giving a talk on WordPress and image optimization, focusing on audience engagement and technical challenges. Corey reflects on the presentation's success and its technical and engagement aspects. They also explore broader topics like content management, SEO, accessibility, and the balance between technical and non-technical content. Additionally, they address the difficulties of organizing Meetups, the need for engaging content, and the nuances of marketing and self-promotion for introverts and small businesses. The conversation highlights the importance of community knowledge-sharing and the journey of building an online presence.

Top Takeaways: 

  • Value of Incremental Growth: The participants recognize the importance of celebrating even small victories in their online presence, such as an increase in views on tweets or website traffic. They understand that consistent efforts over time lead to gradual growth and are encouraged by the progress they observe.
  • Engagement with Community: Michelle emphasizes the significance of community engagement, not just content marketing, in building their online presence. They discuss strategies for interacting with their audience, participating in Meetups, and leveraging social media to foster connections and expand their reach.
  • Adapting Marketing Strategies: Corey acknowledges the need to adapt marketing strategies based on their current resources and audience size. They discuss the challenges of scaling efforts and recognize the importance of starting where they are, rather than aiming for strategies designed for larger organizations.
  • Balancing Work and Marketing: Corey reflects on the challenge of balancing work responsibilities with marketing efforts. He highlights the need to prioritize tasks and allocate time effectively, recognizing that while marketing is essential, it cannot consume all his resources. They discuss strategies for maintaining a sustainable marketing effort while managing other responsibilities.

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