In this episode Joe introduces us to more security items you should be aware of in the world of CWE’s, Michael bends to the will of Joe and Allen in his favorite portion of the show, and Allen pontificates on the time spent setting up IDE’s and environments. Reviews – Thank You! Upcoming Events Topics […]
In this episode Joe introduces us to more security items you should be aware of in the world of CWE’s, Michael bends to the will of Joe and Allen in his favorite portion of the show, and Allen pontificates on the time spent setting up IDE’s and environments.
Pre-warning – probably wouldn’t recommend installing this!
Saw a cool Windows utility called “Windrecorder” that records video and text from your desktop, and lets you rewind and search.
MacOS’s Spotlight is more powerful than you maybe knew
If you’re grep command isn’t working like you thought it should, you might be a victim of content getting kicked out of the buffergrep --line-buffered
iOS – get text from images