EcoNews Report   /     Approaching a Tipping Point for California Salmonids?


"When you impact nearly the entire span of their life history, all the different habitat needs that they have, over time it's going to take a toll, and that's where we are with coho salmon. We've gone through major epics of timber harvest...most recently its been the water withdrawals and the drought." Scott Greacen of Friends of the Eel River and Darren Mierau of California Trout continue their conversation about salmon and steelhead decline in northwestern California. Tune in to learn about the unique genetics of summer steelhead, threats to imperiled coho, and how dam removal on the Eel River could benefit native fish.


"When you impact nearly the entire span of their life history, all the different habitat needs that they have, over time it's going to take a toll, and that's where we are with coho salmon. We've gone through major epics of timber harvest...most recently its been the water withdrawals and the drought." Scott Greacen of Friends of the Eel River and Darren Mierau of California Trout continue their conversation about salmon and steelhead decline in northwestern California. Tune in to learn about

"When you impact nearly the entire span of their life history, all the different habitat needs that they have, over time it's going to take a toll, and that's where we are with coho salmon. We've gone through major epics of timber harvest...most recently
Publishing date
2017-07-06 19:23
  Alicia Hamann