Flat Earth and no free will claims are compared. In Skeptiko 633, we ran another..
Flat Earth and no free will claims are compared.
In Skeptiko 633, we ran another experiment showcasing the power of AI in logical analysis and natural language processing. This time, we set our sights on the AI-adjacent claim that has traction among many intellectuals and neuroscientists: the idea that free will doesn’t exist.
We tasked an AI with breaking down the logical behind the “no free will” argument as articulated by Sam Harris.
Key Takeaways:
* AI’s Analytical Prowess: Our experiment showed that current AI systems are capable of dissecting complex philosophical arguments with remarkable clarity.
* Exposing Logical Flaws: The AI was able to identify logical fallacies, seamlessly link to related concepts, and understand the relevance of empirical data related to mind-matter interaction experiments.
* Parallels with Flat Earth Theory: The AI successfully drew comparisons between the reasoning used in “no free will” arguments and those employed by Flat Earth proponents.
* The “Emperor Has No Clothes” Moment: Despite its popularity among some intellectual circles, AI was able to critically analyze the claim being made in an unbiased way.
Why This Matters
This experiment highlights a crucial gap in many scientific and societal debates: the lack of rigorous logical analysis. By leveraging AI to perform this kind of systematic breakdown, we can:
* Elevate the quality of intellectual discourse
* Challenge popular but flawed ideas
* Demonstrate the potential of AI as a tool for critical thinking
AI Getting Smarter?
As AI continues to evolve, its ability to contribute to complex philosophical and scientific debates will likely grow. This experiment offers a glimpse into a future where AI could serve as an impartial arbiter of logical consistency in important conversations.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT29MP9FZJLGKyX-cFPDn0DogAGgPVvV2qpNq9BHSNGCFwxPDCWmd0b_bQ3N3cDPkBFU6ik3jt-VRl1/pub
Youtube: https://youtu.be/6nvHtGxNdi4
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v58f3bp-ai-goes-head-to-head-with-sam-harris-on-free-will-633.html