Turnbuckle Turmoil   /     Michael Arakawa joins Turnbuckle Turmoil


We are very pleased to bring to you the son of the late, great Mitsu Arakawa. We bring to you Michael Arakawa. Long time fans from the MidWest will definitely remember Mitsu Arakawa as one of the top villians in the area for many years. He was a staple in places like the AWA and WWA. Mitsu also wrestled for the WWWF as well as doing international tours. Starting out in the mid 50s and going until the mid 70s he was active in the era where anyone billed as being Japanese was the bad guy. We'll talk to his son and learn more about Mitsu Arakawa's career as well as learn about what it was like being the child of a wrestler from that era. Make sure you join us for what should be a very interesting conversation.