If the ads are annoying, keep in mind all podcast episodes are offered ad-free on the Patreon at : www.patreon.com/crimepaysbutbotanydoesnt, where you'll also have early access to videos, exlusive access to plant education lectures, and exclusive access to photo dumps from recent plant excursions that are not visible on any of the other Crime Pays Social Media venues.Rants about scrub oaks in the sand dunes of West Texas, 500 million-year-old granite in Lawton Oklahoma and the obesity epidemic aflicting prairie dogs in nearby communities, plants that only grow on Limestone, arbutoid mycorrhizae and symbiosis between madrones and ecomycorrhizale soil fungi, the lack of large-scale native plant growers in Texas, etc.Species featured here : Stenaria pooleanaQuercus aff. gravesiiArbutus xalapensisCirsium turneriPetrophytum caespitosumCercocarpus breviflorusBaccharis pteronioidesPenstemon baccharifoliusGarrya goldmaniiEriogonum hieraciifolium