Technorama   /     Episode 757: Cyber Turkeys 2: The Gobbling


Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show. Feedback QOTW: What would be the dumbest, lamest, and most boring superpower you could have that gave you an edge of normal … Continue reading →


Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show.


QOTW: What would be the dumbest, lamest, and most boring superpower you could have that gave you an edge of normal people.

On This Day In History for November 27, 2024
This is the 332nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 34 days remaining in 2024.

It was on this date in 1839, that In Boston, Massachusetts, the American Statistical Association was founded.
100 years ago today, In New York City, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was held.
CARE (then the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) was founded to send CARE Packages of food relief to Europe after World War II on this date in 1945.
November 27, 1968, Penny Ann Early became the first woman to play in a major professional men’s basketball league, for the Kentucky Colonels in an ABA game against the Los Angeles Stars.
Also on November 27, 1971, The Soviet space program’s Mars 2 orbiter released a descent module. It malfunctions and crashes, but it was the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars.
It was also this date in 2001 that A hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet.

Happy birthday goes out on this date to:

Swedish astronomer, physicist, and mathematician, Anders Celsius, born on this date in 1701.
Cornelius Vanderbilt II, the American businessman was born 181 years ago today.
Giovanni Giorgi, Italian physicist and engineer was born on that same date in 1871.
Norwegian-American chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, Lars Onsager was born 121 years ago today.
Russian mathematician and theorist, Anatoly Maltsev, born on this date in 1909.
Buffalo Bob Smith, American actor and television host was born on that same date in 1917.
American nuclear scientist, mechanical engineer and mathematician, J. Ernest Wilkins Jr. was born 101 years ago today.
Welsh chemist, physicist, and journalist, John Maddox, born on this date in 1925.
American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer, Jimi Hendrix was born 82 years ago today.
Also turning 72 today is American captain, engineer, and astronaut Jim Wetherbee.
American engineer, educator, and television host, Bill Nye is 69 today.
Also turning 67 today is American game designer and author Michael A. Stackpole.

Listener Birthdays


27 – Brad P. from NJ(but who was born in VA, and has moved back there…)
28 – Ben Sweetser


1 – Claudio Miranda (ClaudioM)
2 – Ben Fryxell from the MacMania Podcast

And that’s the way it was, on this day in history for November 27, 2024

If you want to get on the Technorama Birthday Calendar, visit our website and look for the Birthday Calendar link.


Maurizio Cattelan’s viral banana artwork has sold again — this time for $6.24 million | CNN
Asteroid worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 NASA is capturing would give everyone on earth $1,246,105,919 each – Space – UNILAD

Hacks & Strange Stories

Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show. Feedback QOTW: What would be the dumbest, lamest, and most boring superpower you could have that gave you an edge of normal … Continue reading →
Publishing date
2024-11-27 20:27
  Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe


Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show.


On This Day In History for November 27, 2024

This is the 332nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 34 days remaining in 2024.

  • It was on this date in 1839, that In Boston, Massachusetts, the American Statistical Association was founded.
  • 100 years ago today, In New York City, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was held.
  • CARE (then the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) was founded to send CARE Packages of food relief to Europe after World War II on this date in 1945.
  • November 27, 1968, Penny Ann Early became the first woman to play in a major professional men’s basketball league, for the Kentucky Colonels in an ABA game against the Los Angeles Stars.
  • Also on November 27, 1971, The Soviet space program’s Mars 2 orbiter released a descent module. It malfunctions and crashes, but it was the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars.
  • It was also this date in 2001 that A hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet.

Happy birthday goes out on this date to:

  • Swedish astronomer, physicist, and mathematician, Anders Celsius, born on this date in 1701.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt II, the American businessman was born 181 years ago today.
  • Giovanni Giorgi, Italian physicist and engineer was born on that same date in 1871.
  • Norwegian-American chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, Lars Onsager was born 121 years ago today.
  • Russian mathematician and theorist, Anatoly Maltsev, born on this date in 1909.
  • Buffalo Bob Smith, American actor and television host was born on that same date in 1917.
  • American nuclear scientist, mechanical engineer and mathematician, J. Ernest Wilkins Jr. was born 101 years ago today.
  • Welsh chemist, physicist, and journalist, John Maddox, born on this date in 1925.
  • American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer, Jimi Hendrix was born 82 years ago today.
  • Also turning 72 today is American captain, engineer, and astronaut Jim Wetherbee.
  • American engineer, educator, and television host, Bill Nye is 69 today.
  • Also turning 67 today is American game designer and author Michael A. Stackpole.

Listener Birthdays

  • Nov
    • 27 – Brad P. from NJ(but who was born in VA, and has moved back there…)
    • 28 – Ben Sweetser
  • Dec
    • 1 – Claudio Miranda (ClaudioM)
    • 2 – Ben Fryxell from the MacMania Podcast

And that’s the way it was, on this day in history for November 27, 2024

  • If you want to get on the Technorama Birthday Calendar, visit our website and look for the Birthday Calendar link.


Hacks & Strange Stories

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Pass me the remote

  • Kreg
    • A Man on the Inside – Netflix
    • That Wild Country: An Epic Journey through the Past, Present, and Future of America’s Public Lands – Book (Mark Kenyon)
    • Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking – Hulu
  • Chuck
    • 3 Body Problem – Netflix
    • Diplomat (season 2) – Netflix
    • For the Empire (YouTube)

Geek Library

Question of the week

  • You’re stranded on a deserted island (clichĂ©, we know, but roll with it!) and you can only bring THREE pieces of technology with you.  What gadgets are you packing to ensure your survival AND your sanity?

Patreon Topic this week

  • Chuck’s (latest) surgery

End of Show Stuff

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  • Links to the articles and items referenced in the show can be found on our website

Also Thanks to

  • Everyone who sent us links during the week
  • Those who joined us to watch live on Facebook!
  • You, for downloading and listening

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